A long journey…
We have to start from far away, from the mythical Etruscan town of Spina, to tell the story of the “Wines of the Sands” in the province of Ferrara.
It’s a journey through the centuries, where we find the “villae” of the Roman era, the Abbey of Pomposa’s Benedictine monks in the Middle Ages, the Dukes Este during the Renaissance and then the papal legates, up to the present day.
A long journey of more than 2,500 years to tell the story about the “Vino di Bosco” (today called “Fortana”) and the vine “Uva d’Oro” from which it originated, cultivated in its natural habitat since the ancient times: the sandy coastal area that extends from the Po River’s channel called “Po di Goro” to the mouth of the Reno River, along the route of the ancient “via Romea”, just where once there were large expanses of oaks, a wood called “Bosco Eliceo”.

Where we are
The Farm